10 April 2011

Chelsea Handler Disses OLTL's Robin Strasser!

Apparently Chelsea Handler isn't a big fan of the Dorian & David romance on One Life to Live. On the April 7th episode of her show Chelsea Lately, she played a clip of Dorian and David getting intimate and made several jokes about the story - mostly targeting Robin Strasser as being too old for the story (though she never mentions Strasser's name.)

Here's a preview:
"While I applaud the show for keeping that woman gainfully employed year, after year, after year, after year maybe it's time to switch up her storylines, okay...instead of torturing that f*cking guy!"

Here's the clip in full:

Some Soapies are mad as hell about this. What do you guys think? Is this Chelsea just doing her usual shtick or do you think she crossed the line?



  1. Crossed the line!

    -Erica's Evil Twin

  2. WOW... she really crossed a line. That's so effed up. I knew I didn't like her for a reason, and this is proof. Making fun of an older actress. I don't even watxh, but I know who Robin Strasser is and she's a great actress, old or young!

  3. She always says bitchy stuff and she's relatively easy to ignore.
    RS & TW are funny and cute so what it she's older than him and she msut not watch much ABC if she thinks they respect their older actors OLTL really is better than GH or AMC IMO

  4. I agree with you that Chelsea is easy to ignore. I can't even remember the last time I watched even a clip of her show before this lol. I'm wondering if Robin is going to respond to this on her hotline?

  5. people watching shows like Chelsea's and other "reality" shows are one of the downfalls of "real" tv. bocott the beeotch....she's ignorant

  6. She's a pig. No biggie. David and Dorian are a great couple on, and good friends off the show. Considering what's going on with OLTL right now, it might not have been a good time to---oh wait. It's Chelsea Handler. The pig.

  7. Hey guys, I meant to do a follow up to this post. When I listened to Robin's hotline to get her reaction to OLTL/AMC's cancellation, she brought Chelsea up. It was right at the end of the recording. She was laughing and called Chelsea a b*tch! lol! Then she joked that she got more airtime on Chelsea Lately than she had at OLTL that week. Robin obviously has a terrific sense of humor!!

    How jacked up is it that Chelsea has a show but Robin will soon be unemployed?? :(

  8. Wow. She of all people is dissing Robin Strasser? That's rich coming from a flat-chested slut in need of a personality overhaul and some cosmetic surgery. Seriously. Willem Dafoe would make a prettier woman than this ugly tramp. Robin Strasser has been on TV for decades because she's talented and beautiful. This slut's career won't even last a fraction of that time and nobody will miss her when she's gone. If her show got canned, you wouldn't see her fans rallying to her side the way Robin's are right now. She's a loser and that's why she's on E.

  9. "Seriously. Willem Dafoe would make a prettier woman than this ugly tramp"
    Ok that made me laugh, lol!! btw, did you ever see Boondock Saints - yikes, Willem Dafoe in drag is SCARY lol. We did a follow up on Chelsea vs. Robin. Robin's reaction is funny!
