29 March 2011

Mabby Make Love and Trend on Twitter!

I haven't seen Monday's ep of GH yet, but all day I was reading positive tweets about Mabby (Michael and Abby) making love for the first time. In fact, there were so many Mabby tweets that it became a Trending Topic! Congrats to Chad Duell and Andrea Bogart for making this unlikely coupling into a runaway hit! And take note GH: the trending topic was not #JakeIsDead or #CarBomb or #JossHasCancer or #BrendaBrendaBrenda



  1. I didn't find them to be an unlikely couple at all. I've never subscribed to the double standard hypocrisy of, 'oh my god we're all going to hell! The girl is the OLDER than the guy!' This is 2011!

    GH was right to put Mabby together although the whole including Abby herself still can't seem to stop harping on a lousy 10 year age diff. It's not like Michael looks 14 or is 14 like his sister Kristina. Mabby have immense chemistry and they got me watching gh every. single. day. Go Mabby!

  2. Yup, I see where you're coming from. But just to be clear: I don't agree with the double standard either. If it where the opposite: a young girl dating a male stripper ten years older than her I would also call it an "unlikely" pairing. Or if say Kristina & Ethan became a couple, I would definitely call them an unlikely couple too (because of their ages, their backgrounds *and* the circumstances of their relationship.)

    I think on the surface they don't seem to have much in common: age and socio-economic differences (Michael belongs to 3 rich families, 2 of which are 'respectable' in the community). That said, on a *deeper* level, they have a lot in common and their attraction and love for each other makes sense and I think that's why Mabby has generated a following so quickly.
