20 April 2010

Ding, Dong, The Kish is GONE!

Every Soap fan around the world knew that this day was coming, that the One Life to Live KISH boys would be wrapping up their story incompletely this past Monday.

But the time has come to look back on the success that the story had, and to look forward to the careers of these two brave and talented actors.

I believe we have all said our piece by now, including Denial Island's own Melanie with her 'Big Kish Off', so I will try to not go on to big of a rant here. The one thing I DO have to say, is while I may not have been the biggest KISH fanboy, I seriously do not think that the KISH storyline is what was forcing Middle America to tune out of OLTL, I think it was the horrible writing, the terrible storylines, oh and a little thing called Mitch "Cartoon" Lawrance attempting to RAPE his daughter...but hey what do I know right?

Anyways Kish is gone, so will Middle America tune in? Or is One Lifes ratings going to tank and cancellation upon us? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. I've pretty much given up on figuring out the ratings. They seem to fluctuate pretty regularly and it doesn't always seem to be based on the quality of the show. I think the Nielsen families are very finicky, lol. As for OLTL - I'm hoping the ratings, and the show iteself improves (despite being Kish-less).

    They've made some big changes, so let's see how it all pans out. And I know a lot of people were pissed about Jean Passanante being named associate headwriter (when ATWT ends) but I'm hopeful. Some seem to be annoyed that their boy Ron Carlivati will have a partner, but I think he can use the help frankly. And while ATWT has been flawed, I've found it much more enjoyable than OLTL.

    Maybe Jean and Ron will end up being a great writing team?
