11 March 2011

Denial Island Blog has a Facebook Page!

Hi Guys!

Long time no blog, I know, I'm sorry.  I've been given a serious talking to by my fellow Denial Islanders Mel (@soapoperababble) and J (@soapwikijohn) about blogging my recent trip to the US for the 4th and final Soap Cruise back in January... yeah... I'm slack!

Nevertheless, a few of their other requests I have acquiesced to, namely, the creation of Denial Island Blog on Facebook! Why be on Facebook I hear you ask? I dunno, because we can? The other request I'm still working on; but why we need our own YouTube page I'm not sure. Stay tuned for that one! Anyhoo, visit the Facebook page here, and don't forget to 'Like' us by clicking the link to the right of this blog.

Ooh, I nearly forgot - I have added some sharing options under each blog post, so feel free to share any of these blogs that take your fancy on any of the mediums displayed! Shameless plug I know!

Until next time,
Brooke*Denial Island

1 comment:

  1. omg! now that you've blogged about it, it's official, lol! Talk about pressure - guess we're going to have to actually get back to blogging and now facebooking lol
