26 December 2010

Why do past relationships matter?

This week on the iTV series Emmerdale, David found out that shockingly his girlfriend Leyla had a previous relationship that fathered her son (Jacob). Immediately David started tearing into her about all of the lies and deceit. While sleeping with your sisters husband is not the best thing in the world to do, I really do bit see how this is any of his business. This problem is not exclusive to Emmerdale, soaps are notorious for having men look down their noses at their female counterparts as if they were walking STDs, when in fact all they did is have sex before getting involved with their current partner.

But is this something that happens in real life? Do men badger their significant others when their past bedroom deeds are right before their eyes? I have to think so. The difference is however, that soaps air constantly and there is a number of different shows airing around the world. So when these types of stories appear it feels that we have seen it already, and what seems like a countless amount of times.

So here is a question for you readers, do a persons previous relationships matter? Would it change everything for you to find out that your partner had been with their siblings partner? How would you react to that situation? Would the past really stay in the past, or would you blow up like most soap characters and start to question everything about the relationship? Let me know your take and more importantly what you thought of this type of story because this might be the start or a few relationship centered post in the coming weeks.

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