18 April 2011

Chelsea Handler Disses OLTL's Robin Strasser II: Robin Strikes Back!

Hey guys! Sorry I'm posting this so late. I wasn't feeling too well this weekend (I blame ABC!)

As most of you know, Chelsea Handler dissed One Life to Live Diva Robin Strasser a couple of weeks ago on her show Chelsea Lately (to watch a clip and read our initial blog on it, click HERE).

After it was announced that ABC was cancelling OLTL and AMC, I called Robin's hotline to listen to her reaction, and Surprise Surprise, towards the end of the call Robin brought up Chelsea! Robin laughed, called Chelsea a b*tch and then joked that she'd gotten more airtime on Chelsea Lately than she had on OLTL that week! Robin obviously has a terrific sense of humor!

There were so many calls to Robin's line that the system crashed! Unfortunately, it looks like the line will be down for a little while. Last I heard, Robin said the tech people were going to try and salvage the message (sorry, can't remember where I read that, otherwise I would link to the article.)

It's hard to believe that Chelsea Handler has her own show, but our beloved Robin (along with so many other talented people) will soon be unemployed. :(



  1. I think this might be the link where you saw that the message was supposed to be salvaged - Hope this helps!


  2. Thanks for posting the link! I didn't see it on WLS...they've got *much* more info on there about it (still can't remember where I read it lol)! Thanks again!
