14 April 2011

Neighbours #6139: Toadie Shows His Vulnerable Side

Who can resist a crying man? Not me! Tonight on Neighbours we got our real first glimpse at just how upset Toadie (Ryan Moloney) is over Sonya's (Eve Morey) revealed secret. So far we've seen anger and betrayal, but not so much hurt and vulnerability. Well, in the above pictured scene with Lucas (Scott Major), it was there in spades! Kudos to Ryan.

I've had much more sympathy for Sonya this week, but only because the writing has been to that persuasion. However, seeing Toadie produce the tears tonight has helped sway me back in his direction. In fact, I'm totally believing the acting by all those involved - Callum (Morgan Baker) looks suitably torn and lost at the same time, Toadie is all shades of angry and scared, and Sonya is remorseful and regretful. I just love it when Neighbours gets it right, and so far they've got this story right.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the ep...awww!!!! I got all teary-eyed. You're right, they've written it so that we're supposed to be really sympathetic towards Sonya. But honestly, I feel sorry for everyone. So much angst! Btw, Lucas was confrontational, yet so sweet too *sigh*

    And Jade!! Whoa!! You do not want to mess with her, lol! I thought she was going to slug Toadie!
