09 May 2011

Benji McNair Returns to Neighbours as Mal Kennedy!

Holy Soap is reporting that Benji McNair is set to return as Malcolm Kennedy, a role he originated back in 1994. He starts filming next week for eps that will begin airing in mid-July. Holy Soap is describing the return as a "four-month guest stint." No doubt the character is being brought back, in part, to fill the void left from Kym Valentine's (Libby Kennedy) abrupt sick leave departure.

I'm a newbie to Neighbours, so I know absolutely nothing about the character, but I'm assuming that fans will be happy with his return. What I found most interesting was the reported reason for the character's return: apparently he'll be helping his parents, Karl and Susan, deal with some upcoming marital problems when Susan "becomes emotionally involved with another man" - Susan, you slut!! I'm hoping the other man is Kyle lol!

For the full story, click here.

So what do you guys think? Are you excited he's back? Should I be excited? Who do you think Susan is going to get "emotionally involved with"?



  1. Ooh!!! Good goss! Now I'd be even happier if Jesse Spencer returned as Billy Kennedy. Alas, he's happily on House :)

  2. Hmm... I wonder if they'll use him in a triangle with Sonya and Toadie?

  3. I thought maybe your guy Dieter would be in a triangle w/ Sonya and Toadie, but I guess he's not going to be around long enough?

    Well I hope Mal gets involved with Tash, lol! Could you imagine? Susan's head would explode :)

    Who do you think is going to be Susan's 'other man'??

  4. gah gah nooooo you did NOT just say Tash and Mal! Mal is the oldest of the Kennedy kids, he's older than Libby! That would be gross. My guess is he'll be there for Jade, Kate or Sonya... or a toyboy for Lyn maybe... now THAT would make Susan's head explode LOL
