25 February 2012

Good-Bye Cole? Is General Hospital About To Kill Off Cole Thornhart?

Say it ain't so! At the end of Friday's (2/24) episode of General Hospital- One Life to Live character Cole Thornhart's life was hanging once again in the balance as he crashed his car, threatening his life, and the life of his girlfriend Starr Manning and daughter Hope!

But will Cole LIVE?

General hospital is keeping this story very close to it's vest, with not even conflicting "HE LIVES" "HE DIES" spoilers rummaging around, with that said let's examine the story from a logical stand point.

Cole was only signed on to do two episodes, in which he was to facilitate the entrance of Starr onto the canvas. Starr is now in Port Charles so he alone does not have much of a future on the show.

NOW Looking at the character of Starr and her potential on the show, along with other spoilers (IE: The war against Sonny) I truly think Cole will perish in the accident, but if it's a 'real' death or if it's another fake 'death' I cannot say.

What do you think will happen? Will Cole live on? Or will he die...this time for good? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cole was only signed on to do two episodes, in which he was to facilitate the entrance of Starr onto the canvas. Starr is now in Port Charles so he alone does not have much of a future on the show.

  3. I get that to bring Starr to GH Cole will probably die. I am however pissed at the fact they seem to be killing her child as well. ( I get why though) Think about it people what else would bring Todd and Blair to Port Charles then the death of their grandchild and near death of their daughter. Todd goes after Sonny while the show already hints at a Michael Starr relationship. ( Starr begs Michael to save Cole & Hope & in that moment you see something ) This is drama people! What we love! What we hate! What we hate to love and Love to hate! This is why GH has not joined what I call the death of the day time dramas.

  4. I think I read Michael was to help Starr. I believe Cole will perish but Michael will help save Starr and Hope. I think they will try to pair her with Michael now that Abby is out of the picture.

  5. I love cole I do not think they should kill him off

  6. I'm less upset about killing Cole and Hope than the spoilers that say that when Todd comes to Port Charles, everyone still thinks he killed Victor Jr. and Blair and everyone hates him.

  7. Cole's character is "on hold" for now. I believe that door is being left open for down the road. You know, right when Starr is moving on with her live .......
