31 January 2012

Home and Away 31 Jan 2012 Episode (5442) LIVE Blog

Ready for tonight's Home and Away? Live blog coming - updates during the ad breaks as usual.

Bianca and Liam are discussing the wedding reception venue - they can't decide where to go. Liam still wants to have it held at Angelo's, but Bianca wants nothing to do with anything Heath has involvement in. Liam bravely plays the jealousy card and lo and behold it works! Bianca agrees to Angelo's.

At the hospital, Leah is visiting Irene, hearing about Irene's congestive heart failure. The convo turns to Leah and her now empty house - she's having a hard time seeing all of Charlie's things; Irene tells her to take it one step at a time.

Brax and Casey return home. Brax goes straight for the alcohol even though it's morning. Casey wants him to stop beating himself up about what happened to Charlie. Brax wants him to stop hassling him. Casey's talking to a brick wall.

Elijah and VJ are playing video games.  Woah has VJ grown over the summer! Leah invites Elijah to stay for dinner but he says no.

Heath agrees to a deal with Jeffrey King (Geoff Morrell). He gives Heath a Rolex as a deal sweetener, or "bribe" as he calls it. Oh Heath, my newfound admiration of your smartness from last week has all gone. Thank you writers for reminding what a dumbass Heath actually is.

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Brax turns up to Angelo's. Liam seems glad to see him, he tells Brax things have gone to shite since he's been gone - noone's been paid, things are missing and Heath's been taking money from the til. Brax looks less than impressed. Liam tells him King's been talking with Heath; Brax now looks ropable!

April goes to visit Irene in the hospital - Irene's in the mood for a lecture. She questions April over her thought process in hooking up with Heath. April ignores every reason Irene has for why she shouldn't be with Heath, like, he's older, he deals drugs, he's in fights every other week - the sort of person April would never have touched with a barge pole a few weeks ago. April claims it's all about Bianca's jealousy over her and Heath or something, April's not making any sense to me either Irene. Irene, meet brick wall.

At the diner, Leah's obviously not 100% with it; Roo tries to get Leah to go home to rest. She wants to stay busy - VJ tells her he's going with Alf down to the beach to put up flyers for Alf's council campaign. He promises to come back when he's finished. Leah feels like he's starting to look after her instead of the other way around. At one of the tables, Casey is trying to write a letter to Ruby but scrunches up every attempt. Brax comes in looking for Heath - Liam calls, an unexpected big delivery has just arrived at Angelo's. Brax leaves looking frazzled.

Bianca runs into April at the hospital. They have the 'you're jealous about Heath' convo for the 1,000th time since the show came back last week. April wants to know if Bianca's reply to Liam's jealousy comment this morning was true, or just something she says to reassure herself. Bianca retorts if she wanted to be with Heath, she'd be with Heath - April takes this to mean all Bianca thinks she has to do is snap her fingers and Heath will come running. Uh oh, too late - April says Bianca had her chance with Heath and now she wants to ruin it for her because she can't stand the thought of Heath being with someone else. They become so loud Irene gets out of bed to find out what's going on. Well, that puts them to shame - fighting over a Braxton after what just happened to Charlie? Bad form ladies, bad form.

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April is waiting for Heath outside his house AGAIN.  She apologises for the non-sex they had before, she tries to convince Heath it's more about not upsetting Irene; she wants to be with him, but they have to keep it a secret. Heath says his days of climbing through windows are over. She leaves.

Brax gives it to Heath about the running of Angelo's while he was gone. Heath handles it with his usual cavalier attitude and says Buckton made Brax soft, he's not up to making the hard decisions. Brax headbutts him LMAO!

VJ is waiting at the diner for Leah. He wants to go home. Elijah rocks up, VJ asks if he can walk him home and stay until Leah gets back so she wont worry about him being home alone. Elijah agrees, they leave.

Heath meets with King to call off the deal. Oh no Heathy boy, not that simple. King wants $5,000 for the booze, and another $25,000 for the watch. Did you hear bribe? Nahhh, he'll have payment in cash please. Heath tries to give the watch back, but King throws it into the ocean, then walks away.

Later, Heath climbs into April's room through her window (LOL). She asks what he's doing, he replies "practicing". He starts kissing her, April wants to know what's going on, Heath answers he's in, the whole secrecy thing is fine by him if that's what she wants. They bump uglies.

The next morning, King runs into Brax returning the alcohol. He still wants his 25k. Brax has no idea about the money. He refuses to pay and King says he'll take it off the price of Angelo's. Brax discovers why King wants Angelo's - because Brax set the cops on him after Charlie got shot and because Brax said no to the sale in the first place.  Brax says he's well within his rights not to sell. King replies that he shouldn't turn him down (cue threatening expression); and because King's a nice bloke, he's giving Brax a week to finalise things for the sale - then he's taking over, "Darryl." LOL.

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Leah's slept in, she's stressing she slept so late. Best night's sleep ever though! Turns out Elijah stayed over, but it's not what you're all thinking GUTTER PEOPLE!!! He slept in Ruby's room. Leah wants him to stay all week - Elijah agrees. He looks happy that Leah is depending on him - this is not going to end well for you Elijah, watch that pure heart of yours!

Brax is looking for Heath, but Heath is at April's (remember?) - they think Heath's taken off now that the shite has hit the fan. Brax wonders what the eff he's going to do about the 25k?!?!?!? He gets more mad when he discovers the 6-pack of beer in the fridge is gone.  It's just not Brax's day. Brax is determined to beat Jeffery King at his own game... Casey heads out, Brax continues stressing. He looks for more liquor but there aint none in the house... awww poor, poor Brax...

Tomorrow on Home and Away: the police visit Brax acting on information that he's received stolen goods...

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