12 January 2012

One Life to Live Finale - Wednesday 01/11/12

So how about the big news!? The Mannings and The McBain are heading over to General Hospital! Wow. If you want to read about it and check out the promo Click Here  Now on to the show...

This ep could be title Closure. We had a bunch of people being honest with each other, apologizing, setting the record straight, etc, etc... A few endings and a bunch of new beginnings. Overall, I thought the ep was pretty good.

TPTB gave a wink and a hug to the audience with Roxy saying good-bye to her soap and throwing a party for the SOS (Save Our Stories) committee. Awww... They know we're out there :) Ilene Kristen is a gem, btw. Of course, I'll always see her as Delia (Ryan's Hope) but she was wonderful as Roxy and I'll miss her.

One thing that stood out - and not for the better - was something that bothered me for the last few years about OLTL. It has great actors, it has good actors, but it also has a lot of pretty Not Ready For Daytime Players too. Unfortunately, a good portion of today's show was dedicated to them. One thing I liked about the final week of ATWT was that they downplayed the weaker characters/actors - they were still there, but they got much less airtime then the actors/characters that the audience really loved. And they gave the emotionally charged material to actors that could handle it - can't really say the same here.

But I don't want to be too negative. Like I said, it was a pretty good ep. It had some sweet moments and I have a feeling a lot of fans were satisfied (Jolie fans in particular).

Grade: B-


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