16 January 2012

Shortland Street 2012 Season Premiere Recap and Reactions

Welcome back Shorty fans! In a few short moments we will find out the dramatic resolution to last years season finale of the hit NZ soap opera Shortland Street, but before we do that let's recap what went down.
  • Ula found out she's knocked up, and lied to Nicole saying it was just a false alarm.
  • Chris and Gabrielle kissed after Chris finally admitted what we ALL saw coming - he still has feelings for her.
  • Hunter & his junkie friend went to steal some drugs from a pharmacy, but when Daniel and Jill interrupted him, the junkie whacked Daniel over the head with a crowbar and then stabbed Jill.
So now let's get started.
The paramedics arrive and take Daniel and Hunter to Shortland Street Hospital; they say that Daniel has a faint pulse and that Jill has lost a lot of blood. The police try and get the truth out of Hunter about what went on but he lies saying he just heard the alarm go off and rushed in to save the day... yea cuz they are totally gonna buy that one.

Chris meanwhile is having a little roll in the hay with Gabrielle and I just shook my head because how do you pick Gabby over the amazingness that is Rachel? Oh well he then gets paged into work and has to perform immediate operation on Jill... Now this might be because I am a bit behind (I have only seen 2004, and 2011) but wasn't Chris a plastics guy? How is he doing this major surgery?

Gabby meanwhile is drilling a hole in Daniel's head trying to alleviate the pressure that the crowbar has created.

Sarah arrived, and soon Callum informed her that he believes Hunter has a serious drug problem and that he was involved with the break in.

Hunter meanwhile quasi-admits everything to his dad - saying it was supposed to be just a quick snatch and grab and then Daniel & Jill came and everything got messed up.

Gabrielle comes out and talks to Sarah, she says that there is swelling and that its basically a game of wait and see. Sarah meanwhile fears the worst - that he may never wake up from his coma.

Jill comes out of surgery and Chris is slightly optimistic, but as they try to transport her she crashes again.

Hunter watches and bolts, meanwhile to much time has passed, and Chris calls the Time of Death, and Jill passes away, never to be seen again.

WAY TO GO SHORTLAND STREET! I didn't know any spoilers so I was slightly shocked when Jill actually died. Overall if I had to give this episode a grade I'd go with a B+ / A-, it kinda tossed you into the deep without giving you any idea of who these characters are, but did a great job picking up the pace and just keeping you hooked until the very very end. Anyways I am really looking forward to what 2012 has in store for us Shorty fans. How about you? Let me know your thoughts on the season premiere and the upcoming year in the comments below.

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