11 January 2012

One Life to Live Finale - Tuesday 01/10/12

Well I just can't seem to get on the same page as OLTL fans. I gave a C grade to yesterday's ep that had people raving, while I really enjoyed today's ep, which got a lukewarm response from a lot of fans. Go figure.

Well today's ep didn't have comebacks of fan favorites or big cliffhangers (I don't consider Jessica's paternity to be a cliffhanger because we all know how that's going to turn out, don't we?), but it did have a lot going for it. The fake out at the beginning with the RIP Cole headline was a nice touch. I was thisclose to cursing out Carlivati for killing my Cole and I had to laugh when it turned out he wasn't dead. I also thought it was an interesting decision to tell a lot of the story through flashbacks.

So what did I like? Well one Ford boy dead, two more to go... I thought Bree Williamson did a great job mourning the loss of Ford #1 - it ain't easy to act opposite a dead guy and a baby. Though I couldn't help being reminded of Jess's heartbreaking scenes during Nash's death, and really there's no comparison. Jessica is the kiss of death with guys, especially if she has a baby with them! And normally Ford family scenes annoy the heck out of me but little Ford #2 and little Ford #3 did an adequate job.

But my favorite part? The Todd, Blair, Starr stuff.  I can't help smiling every time I see Roger Howarth. Roger's Todd is one of my all-time favorite Love to Hate characters. I think Trevor St. John did a great job during his run with the show and I totally understand his fans' anger, but what can I say? Roger was always the real Todd to me (I also always preferred the writing for Roger's Todd more than Trevor's Todd/Victor.) Seeing Roger, Kassie and Kristen together again was just bliss to me. I remember when Kristen was itty bitty Starr and she and Roger had the cutest scenes together. I always hated how abusive Trevor's Todd was towards Starr, so to see Starr asking Todd for help and Todd agreeing - just awesome. And the fact that Todd was helping Marty and Patrick's son - icing on the cake!

I thought the John/Téa stuff was pretty good. I find it amusing that John still has a Todd fetish. Dude, you actually didn't hate Todd, you hated Victor, right?? So be happy he's gone...let it go...let it go...

Grade: B

So what did you guys think? Good stuff? Boring? Do you think we're heading towards a nice wrap up?



  1. I'm new to your blog but I really enjoy it and I absolutely agree with you about Roger Howarth and the Manning family. The actors that play Blair, Todd and Starr are so great together. Roger Howarth really brings something special to One Life to Live. I'm looking forward to seeing them on General Hospital.

  2. Welcome Bianca!!!!

    I like them together, they have some chemistry- I still prefer TSJ but that's cuz im a new viewer lol.

  3. Yeah, I prefer RH because I grew up watching him on One Life to Live. I was so excited to see him back on the show.
